has been selected for EU co-funding by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) as an Erasmus + programme for capacity building in higher education.
Innovative Finance Inclusion In Academia and Field
IFI project aspires to support the refreshing (however, still rare) academic research on sustainable finance with teaching, education, and entrepreneurship actions. It is accomplished through training sessions, education programs, designed innovative sustainable finance investments fund, and mostly through mapping the field in Israel and Europe, to identify relevant stakeholders, change agents and community of practice in the Sustainable Finance (SF) field.
7 countries
13 HEIs
139 members
IFI Project aims to systematically align the Israeli higher education system with global changes and develop new capacities for inclusive social finance on three levels:
Eco-system &
Research, Teaching
Academy-Industry Cooperation

IFI brings an interdisciplinary approach, stressing shifting focus is needed not only in finance but also in economics, law, technology, design and education.
IFI is the first national consortium created explicitly to provide infrastructure, knowledge and innovation to further develop the sustainable and inclusive finance ecosystem in HEIs and field.
Gathering European and Israeli experts, the project acts as a platform to foster integrated community and cultivating evidence-based standards and practices, building a scope of knowledge and case studies, training investors, regulators and innovators, letting students practice ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) investments, and encourage innovation. All practices are key components of a thriving sustainable finance ecosystem and HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) capacity building.