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Partner Institutions

Bezalel – Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem

The Hebrew University Jerusalem.png

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and adapt to cultural changes. It takes pride in its numerous generations of graduates – the spearhead of Israeli artists, designers and architects, in Israel and around the globe.

The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design is, first and foremost, a group of talented, inspired and motivated artists and professionals. Both faculty and students are driven by a passion to create and by their dedication to quality and excellence. These two pillars of the Academy have placed Bezalel at the epicenter of Israel’s cultural discourse and at the forefront of its artistic scene, making it instrumental in shaping the country’s cultural identity.

Bezalel has over 2000 students studying towards undergraduate degrees in the following departments: Fine Arts, Screen Based Arts, Architecture, Ceramics and Glass Design, Industrial Design, Jewelry and Fashion Design, Photography and Visual Communication. In addition, Bezalel offers graduate degrees in the fields of Fine Arts, Urban Design, Industrial Design and Policy and Theory of the Arts. Each department preserves the traditional knowledge, tools, materials and workshops collected over many decades, while using state-of-the-art software and cutting-edge technologies.



Institue Contact Person

Shmuel Hanagid Street 10, Jerusalem, Israel

Dr. Yoav Fridman -

Project number 619453-EPP-1-2020-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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