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Partner Institutions

Kibbutzim College of Education

The Hebrew University Jerusalem.png

Kibbutzim College of Education was established in 1939 by the kibbutz movement. The College's philosophy combines a democratic, humanistic and progressive approach to education with the principles of a creative artistic experience, multicultural and intellectual world view. The college positioned itself as the place for activist education with a strong emphasis on the social involvement of students and faculty, branching out into the realms of informal education, and the strengthening of values-oriented education. KCE's aims stress the need to strengthen the core social identity of KCE in its educational-social mission. Kibbutzim College of Education adheres to a set of social and moral values that underpins all its educational and social endeavors. It promotes equal opportunities for a life of existential wellbeing, personal liberty, cultural richness, civic partnership and self-actualization. Today, it is Israel’s largest college of education with a student population of more than 6,000. There are more than 30 undergraduate programs and 9 graduate programs on a diverse range of educational subjects.

The program for Social-Business Management in the Kibbutzim College of Education is a unique and original program, the first of its kind in Israel, integrating training for Social-Business Entrepreneurship and Business Management with teacher training for this field.



Institue Contact Person

149 Namir Road, 62509 Tel Aviv, Israel

Dr. Inbal Abbou -
Dr. Rinat Arviv Elyashiv -

Project number 619453-EPP-1-2020-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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